Men of Light

There is a fundamental ancient human wisdom that can help us to solve our problems. This wisdom is not specific to any one culture or religion but is rather a sum of many cultures and many moments throughout history.

"Man of Light" or courageous person has manifested itself throughout history; for example, the idea of "Samurai" also represented a tradition of wisdom or courageous person. King Arthur is a legendary example in the Western tradition, as well as the great biblical kings such as King David are examples of Men of Light in the Judeo-Christian tradition. On our planet, there have been many examples of this spirit.

The key to the way of the Man of Light is to be unafraid to be who we are; in short, the definition of courage: to be unafraid of oneself. This vision is the opposite of selfishness.
We must try to see how we can help ourselves. This in no way means abandoning our immediate environment... one can start with family and friends and the people around us. You have to start with yourself. The important thing is to realise that you can never stop being of service.

Discovering fundamental goodness is not a particularly religious experience but rather the realisation that we can directly experience reality and work with it.

Experiencing fundamental goodness in our lives makes us feel that we are intelligent and upright people and that the world is not a threat. The human potential for intelligence and dignity harmonises with experiencing the brightness of a radiant blue sky, the freshness of fields in spring and the beauty of trees and mountains. We have an affective link with reality, which can awaken us and make us feel that we are basically and fundamentally good.

The vision of the Man of Light is to connect with his capacity to awaken and becoming a freemason recognise. This goodness is something that can happen to us, and even more so that it is already happening. As human beings, we are awake and can understand reality. Our lives do not enslave us; we are free. To be free in this case means that we have a body and a mind and that we can rise and inspire ourselves in order to work in reality with dignity and humour. If we begin to take heart, we will find that the whole universe and Nature also cooperate powerfully with us.

If we serve the world and our efforts, we can help build a fraternal society. Instead of coming up with some utopian fantasy of what society could be for us, we have to set out on the journey to ourselves. We cannot simply speculate or theorise about our destiny. It is up to each of us individually to search for the meaning of our lives.

Fundamental goodness is good because it is unconditional, it is there, it is always there, just as heaven and earth are always there. It is the natural situation we have inherited from birth.

The majesty of connecting with ourselves as a king sits on his throne reveals the dignity that comes when we remain calm in a state of simplicity. Becoming tender towards ourselves allows us to see both our problems and our potential accurately. We need to accept our responsibility for the edification of our life.

The practice of meditation is to train our state of being so that mind and body can be synchronised. The exercise of meditation helps us learn to act without deception or fraud, to be fully authentic and fully alive.

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